Why should you select the Distance Learning Courses of STARWIN?

There are thousands of seats available in the Professional Colleges! However, most of the Students target for those few hundred seats of their their dream course in TOP Technical Universities (OR) The Govt & Govt Aided Engineering & Medical Colleges (OR) Some Top Ranked Blue-chip Private Colleges.


Simple! The students of those Blue-chip colleges get Immediate Job Opportunities in TOP Multi National & Domestic Companies with a BIG PURSE through the On-Campus or Off-Campus Recruitments.  Moreover, the fees are comparatively very less for meritorious students in higher studies!  Therefore, so as to save lakhs of rupees of fees amount and get bright career, we have to spend a few thousand rupees now for good courses & practice well!

Every year, the admission process starts from the Top scorer/ Ranker.  If the students score top marks, they can get the admissions in whichever college/ group they want.  Therefore, They will be in a commanding stage. Now a days, due to the increasing competitions, all the exams are becoming tough and hence the Cut-Off marks are increasing year after year  nearing Centum.

Only those who prepared by understanding the lessons can score centum, and Blind ‘memorising’ never helps to score high.

So, set “CENTUM” as your goal, not even 99%

Now-a-days, the students write many tests in their schools or tuitions! However, when they collect the question paper in Board Exam, they forget some portions because of exam fear!  This affects their speed of writing and hence they lose some marks!


The guides and tuitions cover mainly the “book back” questions given in the Govt text books.  But, in the Board Exams or any entrance exams, extra / twisted questions & problems are also given. The students have no sufficient time to think and then answer. If you face many tests tougher than Govt exams now itself,  you can feel that all questions are easy in the Govt exams! You can happily write & score the magic score CENTUM!

In addition to the above, according to our students, their parents are worried seeing their children going to many extra classes and returning in the late evenings/nights in this risky world.  To score CENTUM, a student need not go from Pillar to Post and spend all their time in attending class after class.

This may affect the students’ Physical and mental health and their ability to think on their own.  Moreover, the School studies are also affected as the students spend their energy in many tuitions. No doubt in it!

Therefore, In addition to your school teachers, you should utilise a medium/source that enables you to prepare and equip yourself in an atmosphere suitable for you.

This is where TARGET CENTUM POSTAL TEST SERIES comes as a relief for all the difficulties involved in direct coaching programmes.  It offers all the facilities available in a direct coaching through distance mode itself in a well planned distance learning course.


(1) We encourage the students through circulars and write ups containing A-Z tips in the “Directly Speaking Style” to score centum.

(2) No need to worry as there is no direct  class to simplify and explain the lessons!  TARGET CENTUM offers Beautiful, Simplified and ‘Point by Point’ Reference-cum-Revision materials to have entire syllabus on finger tip and to revise MANY TIMES. (For +2 Board Only)

(3) Self Practice?  No worries!  Volumes with 1000s of NEW/ TOUGH Objective Questions/ Problems & answers are given for +2 Board Students.

(4) Tests and Feedback?  You can write tests at your home itself and send to us for evaluation.  Regular Postal Tests – Unit Tests as well as Full Syllabus Model Tests.

(5) COMPLETE FEEDBACK FOR EVERY TEST:  Evaluation, State Level Ranking, Customized Tips, Reasons for reducing marks, etc.

(6) Doubts Clarification facility from home itself.  Yes.  You can ask doubts from our materials by letter, SMS, Phone and get clear solutions.

THEREFORE,‘TARGET CENTUM’ IS THE MOST CONVENIENT COURSE FOR YOU!  Why do you go for a Costly Direct Coaching, when you have a Perfect Distance Learning Course in a reasonable Fees?